Welcome to Offendextortion.com

Oops. What happened?

For those who thought Mr. Rodrick would try and have our site taken down again, step right up and claim your prize.

Seems lies are all that's needed to get GreenGeeks to temperarily stop hosting the site until further explaination was provided.

We have provided the explaination but have decided we don't host the website with them anymore. We will host where it will be impossible to take down content. That's what we've been pushed to do. We will also be now devoting a lot of time to a brand new website. Update: GreenGeeks has offered us an appology and we will be bringing the site back online, with modifications to keep Rodrick from being a jerk to us again. Unfortunately, it seems he is going to be a jerk to us anyway. Oh well.

We have a lot of goodies for the victims of mugshot extortion websites. Please check back often.